Sunday, July 4, 2010


t=v1+v2, How to Increase Visitor Traffic and Web Popularity with Quick and Easy Way

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of is certainly no exception.

When you read the title of this post you may be confused, what is the formula t = vi + v2, and what is the relationship with traffic link, this is also happening with me when I first read one of my friend’s post, but when I read it I understand his posting finally and I found that the formula t = V1 + v2 is also make sense, please read this post up so that you will be more understanding.

Please read carefully then apply correctly ....

A philosophy says "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)," is what we will prove .... whether honesty concept we can use to generate traffic and more intense popularity beyond the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert ..?... I believe we will achieve that goal if this concept is running properly ..., and if this concept is applying in your web according to the rules, by then:
-Your Web will be swamped with huge traffic visitors day by day, without fuss or tired of the SEO campaign to a lot of web in the internet world.
-Your Web will be flooded huge backlink day by day, without fuss hunt link to a lot of web in the internet world.

If Albert Einstein use the equation E = mc2 to combine mass potential and speed of light to create extreme nuclear energy , then we will use equation = V1 + V2 to combine my web potential and your web potential to generate extreme web traffic and popularity also .

If Einstein use atom plutonium and uranium to make nuclear bombs, then we use the Honesty and accuracy to make a bomb of this traffic and popularity concept.

What do you need to do is follow these steps:

1. Create a post articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post from Copy start here until Copy Finish, and also be entitled: t = V1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally.

2. Copy or make the next powerful sentence existing under the number 3 plug at this website on your part to section that most easily seen by visitor, for example at the top of the sidebar

3. Move or change a link or the url address post (here-1) with your url address, and (here-2) with my URL address post,to find out url address of the post that I make and that you make is to click the title / post title than we make this copy of the address bar.

The more authentic information about you know, the more likely people are to consider you a expert. Read on for even more facts that you can share.

Next is the post of "powerful sentence" you need to install in your web part (after the change in the url link to its corresponding provisions of the above)

"Want to increase visitor traffic and your web popularity quickly and unlimited ...? Let me ..., I'll do it for you FREE ...!.. Click here-1 and here-2"

-So after the powerful sentence is put on the your web then : if a visitor click the link here-1 he will directly to your link post, and if he click here-2 will directly link to my post ... and this is just keep going unbreakable chain link.

4. Finish, prepare tracker counter and link checker for example sitemeter and Technorati to see a flood of traffic and your web backlink

What is t = V1 + t2 ...?
t: Number of traffic that will be you get on your web in a day
V1: The number of visitors to your web in a day
v2: Number of visitors of the V1 (a visitor from your web visitors) in a day.

For example, my web or your website in one day have an average of 50 visitors .., and all of this we apply the concept (powerful sentences) correctly, and that 50 people from each of 50 people also have visitors from his blog , then the web we will visit in a 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550, and will also likely continue to increase day by day, because every day there are always new visitors in the internet world, each day also have a new blogger, or web internet in the world ... PROVE IT!

For example, our web visitors have 50 people in a day, and everyone implement this concept, then in the web that day you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link on Powerful sentence and a link on the link in my multiply 50. and will likely continue to increase day by day ....

Why the need to create links and link your link on my post ...?
... this is to maintain our link eternity, because as we get more links in the post less likely erased ....

Can we do not fair or not fair sabotage this concept, for example, "remove all links of origin" and fill in the web / blogs we own ...? .... Yes, and this concept will not prove to be a maximum of Honesty is a strategy / political answer ..... But I believe that we all want to throw themselves credibility by making such action cheap ...


SEOPressor Can Save Your Optimization Time Immensely

SEOPressor is a tool that is used by people all over the world for their
on-page optimization needs. Simply put, this is a program that can
definitely elevate the standard of your website, in the manner that it
helps your website reach out on the Internet. The simple logic here is
that if your website can reach out to more people, it will have more
business, and that’s exactly what SEOPressor helps you achieve. As you
get even the top position on Google within your niche—which is something
that SEOPressor has achieved time and again—it becomes very a given
that your business prospects are only going to improve.

The one fact is—you are going to optimize your website in some way or
the other, with or without a software application. But if you are
planning to do things manually, the big drawback is that you won’t get
the time to pursue your main business itself. SEO is a highly
time-consuming activity, and you will find yourself wasting a great deal
of time in blogging, marketing with articles, submitting to
directories, sending emails to other webmasters for sharing links with
them and so on.

Naturally, these things are going to take a lot of your time. Now just
think—if you would just delegate all this work to a tool like
SEOPressor, won’t you be saving some immense amount of time? Time that
you could better use in increasing your business?

Probably it is this thought that is making a lot of people invest in
SEOPressor today. The following are some time-consuming things that
SEOPressor can do for webmasters:-

1. It finds out the hottest keywords on the Internet and tells you how
you can use them. It keeps monitoring the keywords and continuously
makes suggestions. It also tells you what density you should use the
keyword in and what special formatting you need to keep it. All these
things could be very time-consuming if done manually.

2. The program also looks at the tags you have used and makes
suggestions on how to improve prospects. It makes suggestions on which
tagging formats should be used—H1, H2 or H3—and carries it out by

3. If you run a blog, SEOPressor will look at your individual posts and
suggest changes if anything is wrong. It also tells you the value of
each of your existing posts.

So, it is not just about optimizing your on-page needs but it is also
about actually suggesting changes. The program is quite faithful to you;
like an obedient animal it will do your bidding and improve the chances
of your website on the Internet.

Weight Loss and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Weight Loss and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine means a natural, healthy approach to losing weight. As a rule, you will find herbs and acupuncture as the main pillars of the Chine way of becoming thinner. If you do not want to use weight loss drugs in order to lose weight, weight loss Chinese herbs are a reliable option, as well as a natural one. Traditional Chinese Medicine for weight loss acts on the metabolism, by accelerating it and, thus, by speeding up the calorie burning process. There are plenty of Chinese herbs that do exactly that and they are available on markets in which natural food is commercialized.

One of the popular Chinese herb extracts used in weight loss is Codonopsis. It is a tonic herb, but it is milder than other tonic herbs, for instance, than Ginseng. Codonopsis will result in twice the amount of the body’s energy and will increase the rate of metabolism – therefore, food will be sooner exchanged into energy, improving the body’s potential to lose weight. Cordyceps is another natural supplement available for weight loss. It will also increase the body energy while decreasing the appetite. In addition, it will act positively on your body’s immunity and blood circulation. Generally, a twice-per-day administration for one month should lead to the expected weight loss.

The options with Chinese herbs are numerous. However, the same Chinese Medicine teaches us that herbs alone will not do the trick. On the contrary, you need to combine them with a series of other lifestyle-changing activities. For example, you need to eat on a regular basis. The natural world is regular, and the human body adapts to the natural successions of events. The succession of hunger and satiation is one such episode. Timing is imperative for favorable incorporation, making available optimal amounts of digestive juices and enzymes promptly. Eating on a regular basis will enhance the absorption of nutrients and offer you a higher volume of energy from a smaller one of food.

Next, you should eat with self-discipline. There is a puzzling range of diet speculations, but regardless of efforts to convince you of the contrary, calories do count, and keeping track them is an excellent plan. If you take in more than 1,500 calories per day, in all likelihood you will not lose weight – self-discipline is vital. It will help you eat less than 1,500 calories each day and more than 1,000 (which are needed in order for the body to feel able to go on with a diet for a longer while).

Finally, Chinese advise us to find a healthy occupation. Frequently, people who eat too much do it because they don’t actually have an option. They have nothing to do, so they find an occupation in eating. While herbs may help, they will prove useless unless you find an activity that keeps your mind away from the need to eat. In other words, the busier you are the sooner you forget about food. With the herbs increasing your metabolic rate and the more active approach to life, you will have an increased number of chances of attaining your weight loss goal.

Friday, July 2, 2010


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